What Is a Brazilian Blowout?

We all want smoother, silkier hair, right? But with so many hair stylists and products all promising that elusive shine and volume, it can be easy to get discouraged on your mission for the perfect hair.

Thankfully, there is a solution for those among us who haven’t yet found the “Holy Grail” of hair treatments: Brazilian blowouts. Brazilian blowouts are a popular hair treatment that have been on the rise recently due to the results this treatment gives. It is able to transform dull, dry, and damaged hair into hair that looks and feels healthy and vibrant. If you’re looking for a Brazilian blowout in Tennessee, look no further than Moran Laser and Spa — we’ve been doing blowouts for over 22 years, and can help you look your best. Read on to learn more about Brazilian blowouts, or book now to get started!

woman receiving Brazilian blowout at salon

Silkier, Smoother Hair

The main draw to our legendary Brazilian blowouts are the results. This specialized hair treatment leaves you with silkier, shinier hair that’s easier to tease or put into whatever style you want — without damaging your hair at all. In fact, your hair is actually healthier after a Brazilian blowout than before you started treatment!

woman after Brazilian blowout

Natural, Healthy Hair

Brazilian blowouts are the only professional hair smoothing and softening treatment that works without damaging your hair. That’s because blowouts use highly concentrated amino acids to treat the hair. These acids are the building blocks to keratin, the natural substance that makes up your hair! These smaller amino acids deliver the same protection as keratin-based hair treatments, all while leaving your hair flexible and smooth.

Book Your Blowout

woman after Brazilian blowout

Long-Lasting Results

Brazilian blowouts reduce frizz, add shine, volume, and improve your hair’s overall appearance naturally. The results of your hair treatment will vary, but most people find that their blowouts last for weeks, even months after treatment, making this a great investment for your beauty.

woman receiving Brazilian blowout at salon

18 Years of Experience

At Moran Laser and Spa, we understand how important it is to work with experienced aestheticians and beauty professionals. For 18 years we’ve served the Nashville area with our work, and are proud to provide a number of expert beauty services on top of our legendary salon services and laser hair treatments.

Ready to fight the frizz with long-lasting shine from a natural hair treatment that works? Look no further than our Brazilian blowouts — the best Nashville hair can get. Book your blowout now!

Book Your Blowout